Guiding Principles

Since its establishment in 1971, Aufgang has come to be known for providing thoughtful, effective, and creative designs for our clients – a focus that has sustained our success and growth. Our society and the world have changed significantly in the past 50 years. The way we perceive and respond to many major issues has changed, and new ones have emerged. For designers, the importance of environmental sustainability must be recognized in all aspects of design and engineering. Technology now drives our approach to creating comfortable, safe and sustainable homes. Socially, we seek to increase access to desirable housing for all. Aufgang strives to provide high quality, cost-effective and marketable design solutions to meet all of our clients’ objectives. We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of ethics and integrity in our client relationships, and clearly and proactively communicate throughout the entire design and construction process. We treat each project as a unique creative opportunity and craft our designs to be top of the line – while adhering to budgets and complying with all codes and regulations.

To successfully serve this intensely competitive and constantly evolving real estate development market demands fresh ideas and sophisticated approaches, and as the industry has changed over the years, so have we.

Today, our firm enjoys a reputation for innovative and imaginative designs, driven by the changing demands from both our clients and the marketplace.

Our designs emphasize high quality and appealing features that add value to each project and enhance their marketability. We anticipate and address the impact of economic cycles, changes in consumer taste, new regulations and building codes, the importance of sustainability and the need for energy efficiency. This approach has led us to create commercial, residential, and mixed-use structures that blend contemporary style with enduring appeal.

Aufgang is a New York State and New York City Certified Minority Business Enterprise



Interior Design
Architectural Design
Construction Documents
Code Compliance
Construction Administration
Environmental Consulting

Planning and Community Development
Site Feasibility Evaluation
Zoning Studies
RFP Submissions
Schematic Design

Building System Advisory
Engineering Design
Code Compliance
Construction Administration
Environmental Consulting