DonDedrick Walker

Job Captain
Rehabilitation and Preservation

Email DonDedrick

Year Joined: 2025

Education and Certifications:

  • Bachelor’s Degree of Architecture, Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University
  • Master of Science, Facilities Management

Professional Background: DonDedrick brings over 17 years of experience to Aufgang, beginning his career by working in the field as a junior in High School in 2007. He has experience in all project phases from Schematic Design through Construction Administration. He has worked on a wide variety of buildings, such as single family, multi-family, and luxury residential, as well as K-12 schools, higher education, hospitals, municipal and commercial.

Position: At Aufgang, his projects involve rehabilitation and preservation construction documentation for sets of existing residential buildings in the New York area.

Personal Life: Outside of work, Don enjoys fishing, recreational sports, cooking, reading and freelance design.

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